Monday, June 20, 2011

Red-breasted Dwarf Flag Cichlid (Laetacara dorsigera)

This is the only fish I'm currently keeping in my 20 gallon. I originally got a pair I think were male and female, but after one consistently chased the other around, I thought I had two males so I picked out what I thought was a female. However, it seems that the original pair I got were m/f, and I most likely got another (younger) male. They still haven't bred yet though, but I am convinced I have an m/f pair.

They are very skittish, even during feeding time. I added many live plants and Eco-complete substrate and this seems to have helped as they're coming out more now. The larger male hides the most and the female is out and about the most. So far I only feed them NLS Thera A 1mm pellets and they like them, but a more varied diet is recommended which includes frozen brine shrimp and/or bloodworms. It is hard to sex Laetacara curviceps/dorsigera, but females usually have a more compressed profile, appear fatter and smaller, and have a larger blotch on its dorsal fin.

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