Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Honey Gourami (Colisa chuna)

The honey gourami is a small but interesting fish. It tops out at around 2'', with females a bit larger than males. Like cichlids and bettas, they will swim to the front of the tank to greet you. You can tell males from females by their colors; the male has a golden edging to its dorsal fin and a chocolate brown chin. The females on the other hand, are more drab but seem to have a bigger appetite than the males. Female honeys also appear fatter. Both sexes have a horizontal stripe across the middle of their bodies when stressed. Since they have relatively small mouths, they should be fed smaller flakes and pellets. Honey gouramis are best kept in the ratio of 1m/2f, but I have 2m/2f and they get along fine. They do best in planted tanks of 20+ gallons without much current, similar to a setup for female bettas.

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